When one of your alloy wheels has a rim beyond repair, it’s time to give it an car rim refurbishment in Brisbane from Exclusive Refurb Solutions. Rim refurbishment is the solution for the rims of your alloy wheels they have sustained light damages like scratches and scrapes, fading, scuffs, and the like. It cosmetically improves the impairments by using machine technology and expert care. Sometimes, even damages to your tyre’s rims which you might consider to be serious like bends and dents are remedied by it. As long as the shape of the rims is still intact, then you can have rim refurbishments done anytime.
We restore your alloy wheels to their stylish look once we’re done with refurbishing the rims, making the overall appearance of your car sleek and awesome. Our team of alloy wheel professionals will assess the kind of damage your rims have, determining whether they will need to be refurbished or repaired. When a refurbishment is confirmed, they will start the rim refurbishment process, using high-quality techniques and materials like 2K (2 pack) products that will be infrared cured. The process is quick and once done, the wheels will be remounted perfectly.

How We Do It
When performing cosmetic repairs on machine-faced wheels or CNC Diamond-cut wheels, as they are known, Exclusive Refurb Solutions can offer the original factory finish for your alloy wheels. We have the capability to deliver our promise as we have our very own mobile CNC Diamond-cut machine.
We clean and prepare your alloy wheel, then use our CNC machine afterwards. We finally choose the right lacquer for refinishing to produce that brilliant factory finish we promised you. WE DO NOT USE SHORTCUT METHODS like all other alloy wheel repairs in Australia. And the best part of it all is we come to you to get your alloy wheels refurbished or repaired.
We can also repair your alloy wheels using factory methods, providing you Hypersilver, ShadowChrome, and Liquid Chrome refinishes. While these take about twice as long to achieve as standard colours, we provide this service. The process requires extremely high attention to detail and expensive chroming topcoats which we carry on board.
Why Choose Us
Exclusive Refurb Solutions is an automotive repair service with over 30 years of industry experience. We’re now specialising in modern OEM wheel refurbishments and custom refinishes using the latest advancements in mobile alloy wheel repairs. Proof of this is our very own mobile alloy wheel repair station that we have designed and developed using the current European technology that includes a CNC diamond cut lathe and a positive pressure spray booth with infrared curing capabilities. We don’t cosmetically cover up the damage but we restore them to their original finish.
What’s great about our service is that WE GO TO YOU! You don’t need to travel to any alloy wheel repair shops anymore and wait at least three to five days before you can collect your wheels. We offer an Australian first! A mobile facility that ensures a professional diamond cut alloy repair or refurbishment, completed at your location using off-grid power, in a fraction of the time as well as at a fraction of the cost of a new alloy wheel! Experience what other professional motor dealers and vehicle owners are raving about. Experience Exclusive Refurb Solutions for car rim refurbishment in Brisbane!

For a quick quote
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